Rose Heart, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, and Founder of Organic Infusions™ inspects a sample of each oil before the batch for that season is approved to be sold by Organic Infusions™.
The following is Rose's 3 part approval process for testing each sample:
- The oil must be the right aroma, color, and viscosity.
- Some of our oils are tested with a Gas Chromotographic Spectrometer to ensure that correct beneficial compounds are at the essential levels required for a true therapeutic effect.
- The oil's Life Force must be alive with the vibration of the plant that connects with our emotional and physical well-being.
- Certified Organic - Grown and processed in accordance with NOP standards and guidelines and is certified by Organic Certifiers.
Click Here to view our Organic Certificate - Wildcrafted - Grown and cultivated in the wild and NOT commercially farmed
- Pesticide-Free - Grown and harvested without use of harmful pesticides
While some of Organic Infusions™ essential oils are medical food grade, we do not advise the use of essential oils for internal use. Please check with your health care professional and certified aromatherapist before ingesting any essential oils.
Remember, Safety First.
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To view more about our founder, click here.
To order by phone or fax, view our customer price sheet here.